
June 8 Revert

  • MISC: Bug Fixes
  • REMOVED: Clouds removed because of lag
  • MISC: Changed hills hitbox

May 27 Wild Moe + Marlin + Sandbox Removed????

  • TEMP: Sandbox Removed
  • NEW: Marlin! You can do a dash that instantly cuts through animals. A rare variant can do a flurry of cuts doing major damage!
  • TEMP: Sandbox Removed
  • BUFF: Cheetahs ability now stuns animals it bites
  • BUFF: Snow Leopard ability now bleeds animals it bites
  • REWORK: Phoenixes ability now moves like fireballs (it was too similar to kraken)
  • TEMP: Wild mo(d)e gamemode replacing the original game, In wild mo(d)e animals of lower tiers can attack higher tiered animals.
  • WILD MOE: Cheetah and Snow Leopards both bleed and stuns animals it hits
  • WILD MOE: Cobras poison time is longer
  • WILD MOE: Snowy Owl can damage predators
  • WILD MOE: Falcon dive is instant, longer range, and deals damage and bleed to predators
  • WILD MOE: Phoenixes fire tornado is bigger
  • WILD MOE: Marlins instant dash damage does more damage and is longer
  • WILD MOE: Saber Tooth Tigers maul ability is faster and does more hits and can grab same tiers

May 11 Dragons and Fire

  • REWORK: Dragons can now shoot a flamethrower! Doing high impact and dps damage. You can also fly!
  • NEW: Readded Bald Eagle and Golden eagle!
  • NEW: Game autosaves on crash (you dont lose your animal!)

May 12 Frogfish

  • NEW: Frogfish! A slow animal can swallow prey and struggle against them by pressing right click. Winning the struggle declares an instakill to its meal.
  • BUFF: Sea robin can walk on hills and rocks (+ loses less water)
  • FIX: 1v1s killing you after winning
  • FIX: 1v1s not giving xp if player dies to walls
  • FIX: Players unable to see 1v1
  • FIX: Lag fixes
  • MISC: Unloaded clouds dont rain anymore

May 11 Dragons and Fire

  • REWORK: Dragons can now shoot a flamethrower! Doing high impact and dps damage. You can also fly!
  • NEW: Readded Bald Eagle and Golden eagle!
  • NEW: Game autosaves on crash (you dont lose your animal!)

March 31 Easter Update

  • NEW: There is 5 different eggs in the reef, land, ocean, arctic, and volcano biome. Collect them all in one life to unlock the easter bunny
  • NEW: Easter Bunny! You can place down a fake egg to trick egg hunters. You can also jump high in the air!
  • NEW: Battle Royale! A shrinking wall of fire encapses the aren! You must win for an reward.

March 29 Whodark Credit

  • Thank you whodark for helping me with the 1v1 update

March 20 Celestial Trex

  • NEW: Celestial Trex 1/1000! Use your gravitational force to slam players inside of your mouth. You also have higher regen.
  • NERF: Astral Dragon is 1/1000

March 18 Balance + 1v1s

  • NEW: 1v1 mode! Arena other players and fight!
  • NERF: Pig, Hedgehog, and jellyfish can only affect predators
  • NERF: Wolf knockback howl reduced
  • NERF: Cobras Damage Over Time and impact damage reduced
  • NERF: Secretary Bird cant knockback preadators, 45% less damage
  • NERF: Thunderbird cant move animals with storm.
  • BUFF: Trex does 50% more damage
  • Thank you whodark for helping me with the 1v1 update

Feburary 10 REEEEEF

  • NEW: New biome repleacing the dead cold ocean. A colorful reef with new fun animals!
  • NEW: Clownfish! It doesnt do much but its cute.
  • NEW: Sea Robin! Use your fins to detect diving animals while moving fast!
  • NEW: Cuttlefish! Use your colorful patterns to scare predators and pull prey!
  • NEW: Catfish! You can open your mouth and swallow multiple animals doing high dps!
  • REWORK: Elephant can shoot alot of water doing high damage
  • BUFF: Whale causes a big wave when slapping
  • NERF: Orca waves slowed from 10 to 6 speed
  • BUFF: Shrimp boosts backwards at 2x boost speed and is faster
  • NEW: ??? ???? ??? ?? ??? ???? ????
  • + Many more changes!

Feburary 10 Happy Birthday Fixes

  • FIX: Blue whale can use its ability multiple times
  • FIX: Pikes ability breaks the speed (somehow didnt do that during testing)
  • FIX: Cake splat dealing damage
  • SCRAPPED: Remove deep biome due to bugs will remake someday.

Feburary 9 Happy Birthday

  • NEW: Birthday Event! Added a new monster tier animal by Croccin and gave everyone partyhats (except one animal)
  • NEW: Ostrich! You are very fast and have a weak bite but can do a strong kick if you bite multiple times
  • NEW: Saber Tooth Tiger! You can charge towards prey and maul them doing HIGH damage
  • NEW: Pond Turtle! As a small bottom feeder you can suck animals and foods towards you
  • NEW: Pike! You can dive deep, spawn a bait, and suprise animals by boosting and biting them (HINT: You can eat your own bait!)
  • NEW: Manatee! You have high regeneration and can take other animals regen as your own
  • NEW: Added Falcon Ability
  • NEW: Old Mope Gamemode! Can be avaliable once in a while and removes custom stuff
  • MISC: Remove some dead code
  • MISC: All animals speed slightly increased or decreased based on tier (apex speed stays the same)
  • BUFF: Dragons fire damage 3 → 7
  • NERF: Dragons fire cooldown 1.5 → 3
  • Thank you for everyone who has been playing this game and helping me work on it (Memepig and Croccin)

Janurary 21 Glacier Monster Changes and Food

  • NERF: Increased cooldown when missed 9s → 12s
  • NERF: Increased stun timer when missed 3000ms → 4000ms
  • NEW: Added carrots
  • NEW: Added starfish

Janurary 20 Glacier Monster Changes

  • BUFF: Buffed Glacier Monster ability damage, distance, and radius.
  • NERF: Nerfed Glacier Monster cooldown 15s → 9s
  • MISC: Changed tornados pull

Janurary 20 Glacier Monster

  • NEW: Glacier Monster! This fearsome animal as slow as glaciers can boost and freeze animals near it! Beware the extra cooldown and stun if you miss.

Janurary 14 Credits

  • Added credit to the original game (

Janurary 13 Bug Fixes

  • FIX: Rabbit inf ability
  • FIX: Charge inf ability
  • BUFF: Trex sprints faster and doesnt have a turn malus
  • FIX: Xp dupe with trex (+1 xp when using ability)
  • FIX: Secretary Bird didnt have no collision dectection

Janurary 10 River Animals

  • NEW: Beaver! Spawns a dam that blocks animals, can overflow the river if you make a big one, loses water 2x as quick!
  • NEW: Tadpole! A new RIVER animal that can upgrade to a frog
  • NEW: Tree Frog! You cannot move normally but you can hop across, loses water 4x as quick
  • NEW: Secretary Bird! A glass cannon that can fly and stomp on animals in its path but watch out for you HEALTH and WATER! Art made by makoshark12 here

Janurary 2 Lava Colossal Fixes

  • FIX: Volcano is above hills and rocks
  • FIX: Lava is above rivers and lakes
  • MISC: Flying animals zoom level based on how high its flying
  • BUFF: Lava Colossals ability time 8s → 12s
  • BUFF: Lava Colossals size 0.8x player size → 1x player size
  • BUFF: Volcanos lava size 0.33x volcano size → 0.5x volcano size
  • NERF: Lava splash damage 25 → 18
  • BUFF: Time to erupt each lava (0.75 to 1.5) → (0.5 to 0.75)
  • MISC: Replaced arrow signs

Janurary 1 Lava Colossal

  • NEW: Lava colossal BD tier, the lava colossial can summon an erupting volcano spewing lava and fire to everyone in its radius
  • MISC: Flying animals now have 1.75x zoom (prev 1.5x)

December 17 Massive Update

  • NEW: Added almost all animals ability
  • NEW: Added shocked effect, deals high damage
  • NEW: Added thunderbird rework
  • NEW: Game uses ticks instead of, most things got buffed from that
  • NEW: Added bigfin squid
  • NEW: Releasing titanboa today
  • NEW: Fox rework, can teleport to different hole by pressing q
  • MISC: Removed food to reduce lag

December 17 Bug Fixes

  • FIX: Fixed owl crash gltich
  • FIX: Fixed dinomonster/penguin crash glitch
  • FIX: Fixed infinite burn glitch
  • FIX: Fixed spiders web

December 17 Massive Update

  • NEW: Added almost all animals ability
  • NEW: Added shocked effect, deals high damage
  • NEW: Added thunderbird rework
  • NEW: Game uses ticks instead of, most things got buffed from that
  • NEW: Added bigfin squid
  • NEW: Releasing titanboa today
  • NEW: Fox rework, can teleport to different hole by pressing q
  • MISC: Removed food to reduce lag

September 20 Mini Update

  • NEW: Gave credit to people who made slug and urchin skins

September 7 Deep update Part 0

  • NEW: Giant Whirlpools that swirls animals around!
  • NEW: Pressure Bar that goes down when your in the deep. Vise Versa for deep animals.
  • NEW: Added girrafe ability, stomps animals to damage them.
  • NEW: Added fruit tress with coconuts and banana.
  • MISC: Promoted girrafe to tier 13.

September 7 Giant Map & White Tiger!

  • NEW: Made map 70% Bigger (almost double the amount)
  • NEW: Added fly high for Black Dragon and Land Monster
  • NEW: Added White tiger 1/60 chance with increased damage and boost
  • MISC: Renamed King Crab to Krakinos
  • MISC: Changed Krakinos and Sea Monster biome to arctic ocean
  • MISC: Made map scale better

September 3: Tiger!

  • NEW: Added Tigers ability
  • NEW: Tiger q ability (goes invis)
  • NEW: Hills/Trees zoom

August 27: Gorrila rework and Hill changes!

  • NEW: Added Memepigs gorrila rework!
  • NEW: Gorrila has 2 fruits it can swap from using Q
  • NEW: Coconut, deals huge damage and stun!
  • NEW: Banana, acts like a boomerang, has potential to do huge damage!

August 17: More Tiers & Sea Monster Rework!

  • NEW: Added tier 9 and 8 animals (most only have placeholder abilitys)
  • NEW: Added Wolf ability & 1 rare
  • NEW: Reworked Sea Monster, Sea monster animation made by emi HERE!
  • BETA: Added 3 Servers that connects to 1 game
  • MISC: Changed xp bar

August 6: Later

  • BUFF: Buffed speed by 100%
  • NERF: Water lost is doubled
  • NERF: Ability stops when low water!
  • NERF: Cant bite while sprinting

August 5: Trex rework & more

  • NEW: UI for q key ability
  • NEW: Sprint ability for trex, go really fast but lose water quickly.

July 17 : Beluga Update

  • NEW: Beluga can click to stun and damage animals
  • NEW: Biome damage for animals in wrong biome
  • REMOVED: Removed king dragon
  • BUFF: Black dragon is collosial tier
  • MISC: Made monster tiers smaller
  • MISC: Nerfed boosting by 17%
  • MISC: Nerfed movement speed to 70%

July 16 : Mini Update

  • NEW: Added See ID's in settings to see other peoples ID's (ID's change every time you upgrade)
  • NEW: Added Plankton and Plankton food

July 15 : New Ocean Foods

  • NEW: Added Kelp Seaweed and Conches
  • NEW: Added Kelp Seaweed and Conches
  • NEW: Added Urchin poisons and bleeds you on touch edible by Octopus+ made by Im Syed HERE!
  • BUFF: Phoenix can move in tornado but speed cut to 33%
  • BUFF: Kraken speed during whirlpool to 33% (before 12%)
  • NERF: Phoenix tornado damage nerfed by 25%
  • MISC: Greatly increased lifespan of foods (by 500%) from 30s - 60s to 2m 30s - 5m

June 30 : Rise of the AI's pt.1

  • NEW: Jungle and Volcano ai's added in their biomes
  • NEW: Slugs spawns on slug trees can make a disgusting slime trail made by KrakyTheNoobKraken HERE!
  • NEW: Slug trees (1/12) Spawns slugs (max 5 slugs)
  • NEW: Baby BD added, they are very fast and a bit weak (Elephant tier)
  • NEW: Expanded volcano biome
  • NERF: Nerfed food spawned from lava lakes
  • NERF: Nerfed tornadoes suck radius and suck amount
  • NERF: Nerfed tornados release (doesnt do damage and make you immune to tornado for 2 seconds)
  • FIX: Fixed phoenix crash bug

June 27 : Giant Tornados

  • NEW: Tornados spawned across the map. Hard to escape when sucked in until pushed out!
  • NEW: Cobra animal can spit venom at enemies! (Poisons them hard!)
  • NERF: Polar Bear damage: 15 → 10
  • NERF: Polar Bear bleed: 3000ms → 2000ms
  • NERF: Bear stun: 3000ms → 2000ms
  • MISC: Bear demoted to tier 10
  • MISC: River pushes you 3x as much
  • MISC: Octopus ink rotation is WAY smoother
  • QOL: Dying doesnt respawn you always at the same tier
  • MISC: Big animals cant hide in small holes

June 21 : Later

  • NEW: Added spitting ability (from s key)
  • NERF: Boa cant bite prey when using ability
  • NERF/FIX: Fixed boa's ability pushing predators too far to bite

June 21 : Q clicking update

  • NEW: Replaced double clicking with q clicking!
  • NEW: Readded king dragons tailslap as a Q ability!
  • NERF: Eagles cant fly high if low on water. Shows a message instead
  • MISC: Changed some animals upgrade text again.

June 20 : Double Clicking Update

  • NEW: Double Clicking abilities some animals
  • NEW: Eagles can fly high by double clicking!.
  • New: Astral Dragons can fly high by double clicking changing its ability to throw stars!.
  • MISC: Changed some animals upgrade text.

June 17 : Astral Dragons and Ice Sliding!

  • NEW: Astral Dragon 1/500 chance. Spit a near bursting star which does a massive explosion!
  • NEW: Ice slides to slide in.
  • FIX: Animals couldnt climb hills.
  • FIX: Double clicking would use your ability.

June 6 : Tardigrades and Meatballs and Cold Ocean!

  • NEW: Tardigrades 1/100 chance. Roll into a indestructible ball at high speeds knocking players away!
  • NEW: Golden upgrade color. Means you can live in all biomes
  • NEW: Arctic ocean, cold ocean with new animals soon
  • NEW: Leopard seal, Doesnt have an ability yet
  • NEW: Meatballs spawn when a player dies without being eaten (Burning, Lack of water, etc.)
  • MISC: Changed dragons skin
  • MISC: Changed the hp amount of elephant tier or lower

May 23 : Later

  • NERF: Gave the KD tail slap reload

May 23 : Boa Constrictor

  • NEW: Boa Constrictor

May 23 : Tier 11

  • Added tier 11s
  • Fixed: Some Bugs

May 6 : Bug fixes

  • - Fixed: Tortoise and sheep cooldown doesnt work.
  • - Fixed: Tortoise collision doesnt work.
  • - BUFF: Tortoise also deals bleed damage

May 5 : Tier 12's and galore!

  • -NEW: Tortoise (from bettermope) is out in this game. Charge and ram everyone you touch!
  • -NEW: Eagle after wasting in the dust for over 5 years it has returned stronger than ever. You can grab everyone smaller than you and fly them in the air.
  • -NEW: Sheep has attacked! With amazing agility you can dodge every move with your giant hop!
  • Have fun playing UniversalMope V.2

April 20 : Stegosaurus Update! + Better map generation Art made by Croccin

  • -NEW: Stegosaurus animal starts flailing its tail upon pressing W doing BIG damage.
  • -NEW: Map generation update adding berry bushes and water spots!

April 10 : Jungle Update + Hippo Rare

  • After some time, the long awaited Jungle Update has released, 2 new foods and a legendary animal have released with it!
  • The first food is the Giant Tomato.(Made by Memepig) Only the biggest of creatures can eat it (tier 14+). You will get alot of xp from eating this!
  • The second food is the small fig.(Also made by Memepig) It gives a small amount of xp but it is very plentiful.
  • Lets not forget the new trees in this biome! The trees can range from big to small, but dont try to fall from the tree, otherwise you will hurt yourself!
  • We forgot to introduce the cute pigmy hippo! The powerful, but tiny hippo has a strong roar and is very fast.

March 31 : Alligator Update

  • With sharp teeth this animal is even more deadlier than the crocidile! Pressing S key will use a scary tailslap that can go high damage. When you press W you can grab animals it might have less damage but you can drown them for HIGH damage!
  • BUFF - Croc dps increase from 9 dps to 10 dps

March 30 : Menhir Update - Skin made by Croccin!

  • Men hir hir hir! As a big menhir you can cause a MASSIVE explosion. But you will die with your enemies. Use your ability wisely

Feburary 15 : Land Monster rework!

  • As a Land Monster you can Fly High! Descending will cause a massive Sinkhole!

Feburary 9 : Dino Monster rework!

  • Mercilessly bite and chew other mopers! Spin while doing it will throw them far!

September 1 : Opentest!

July 31

  • We are doing sandbox testing here.

Tell us your ideas/bugs on discord:



Original build made by Ahmetcan and GoldenDR!